Dear Friends,
What evokes a warm feeling for you at Christmas? Is it the cup of hot chocolate on a chilly day? Maybe the Christmas story and old familiar Christmas carols? Christmas lights or a child opening their presents on Christmas Day? Maybe it is knowing that your year-end giving supported families in the midst of struggles or the YOOP young people on their employment journey!
These warm feelings boil down to knowing that we have been blessed in so many ways and we want to pass on the blessing!
The teens and young adults who get help through the CYFS YOOP Program have a lot of things in common! Homelessness, academic and social failure, rejection and bullying, trauma, physical or mental health struggles, no family or one that could not give them what they needed growing up. But they also have in common that they leave YOOP feeling blessed! They have made and accomplished goals! They are more self-sufficient and independent! They believe in themselves and their future!
Your year end giving will help support more youth successes like the ones below!
Erica said, “YOOP gave me hope! Today I am doing great! I am working full time in a good job with benefits!’
Lori said that YOOP helped her learn lifelong skills. After a job shadow at a veterinary clinic, they hired her! She worked there for more than 3 years! She is proud of her many successes!
Trenton said, “If you are serious about getting a GED then this is the place to go. YOOP will help you succeed any way they can.” He is working to become an Automotive Master Mechanic!
Anna: “If you want to change your life and accomplish your goals, enroll at YOOP!” Anna got her GED, married her best friend and wants to go back to school to become a veterinarian.
Chris: YOOP helped me take the first step into my adult life. Now, I think I’ve found my calling at my current job. I’m working helping developmentally challenged people in their homes.
Devon: YOOP helped get me back on my feet.
Chris R: His “successes in life” were getting his diploma and his daughter! He recalled that one YOOP staff in particular “connected with him” and “staff was always there for me.”
Diana: “YOOP helped me start getting my life straight when I needed it most. Now I can dream about a work future and traveling!”
Tristan said, “It’s never too late to make sure that you have the right education; the help you need to obtain the career you want.”
Your gifts to Chehalem Youth and Family Services make a difference!
With sincere appreciation, Charles Rice, Executive Director